Spring 2017

Spring 2017


Click to access PUB-CTR-WORKSHOPS-SP-2017-2.pdf

Book Launch Event: SLCC Anthology “Spectrum”

Thursday, Jan 26, 2017

Congratulations to the writers, artists, photographers who submitted their beautiful work–and to the team of student publishers who designed and published the anthology! Stop by the Publication Center in AAB 137 if you’d like a copy.

The publishing team.

Lisa Bickmore speaking to the crowd about the anthology.

A student publisher describing the work of producing the anthology.

A student publisher describing the work of producing the anthology.A student publisher describing the work of producing the anthology.

The cover artist and a friend.

Student publishers.

A row of anthologies.

Lisa Bickmore and a writer.

A student publisher describing the process.

Charlotte Howe speaking to the crowd about publishing the anthology.

Charlotte and Lisa speaking to a writer.