
Chapbook Competition, 2011-12: Creative Nonfiction/Essay!





Announcing this year’s chapbook competition! The genre is creative nonfiction or essay.

SLCC students are invited to submit nonfiction or essay manuscripts of 4,000-12,000 words by November 21.  Submissions can be one or more pieces of nonfiction or essays, within the word limit.

Prize: publication by the Publication Center; 25 copies (to the winning writer); and a $100 honorarium. Finalists may also choose to work with Publication Studies students to produce a limited run of ten (10) copies of their manuscripts.

Eligibility: any current student at SLCC may submit a manuscript. The work must be the original work of the writer, and must not have been previously published.

The chapbook will be printed in a run of 250 copies; it will be circulated on campus and placed in local bookstores. The publication of the chapbook will be widely publicized at SLCC and beyond.

To submit:  e-mail manuscript to in the following format:

  • Double-spaced and paginated.
  • PDF format
  • Separate title page with the following information:  Name of writer; e-mail address; street address; phone number; title of manuscript and word count.
  • Besides the title page, the writer’s name must not appear on the manuscript.

If you have questions about the competition, please contact Lisa Bickmore at, or call at 801.957.4686.

Here’s a fancy flyer:  Chapbook 2011-12 flyer

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